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迄今为止,在国际主流学术期刊发表SCI论文28篇(中科院1TOP15篇,中科院2TOP7篇),其中第一或通讯作者论文(含共同)15篇,包括国际遥感类顶级学术期刊Remote Sensing Environment 7篇(5篇独立一作兼通讯作者,1篇独立通讯作者,1篇合作者),累计影响因子超过180;论文总被引685次(ResearchGate网站截止2022328日)。受邀担任Remote Sensing Environment编委、《遥感技术与应用》杂志青年编委及Remote Sensing客座编辑;当选2016年度Remote Sensing Environment最佳审稿人;在国内外重要学术会议做口头报告超过20次,包括美国地球协会(AGU)、美国地理协会(AAG)与世界火生态协会(AFE)年会及全国定量遥感学术论坛、全国成像光谱对地观测学术研讨会等。





201008月——201505月:美国犹他大学(University of Utah)地理学系,博士






201506月——201808月:美国布鲁克海文国家实验室(Brookhaven National Laboratory)环境与大气系,博士后



Remote Sensing of Environment杂志编委、《遥感技术与应用》杂志青年编委、Remote Sensing 杂志客座编辑;

2014年至今为Remote Sensing of Environment、ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing、Method in Ecology and Evolution、Agricultural and Forest Meteorology、Ecology、Ecological Application、International Journal of Remote Sensing、Forest Ecology and Management20+国际主流期刊评审超过70次;
















发表学术论文情况(*为通讯作者,$为同等贡献; 最新论文发表情况请查阅个人Research Gate网站https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ran-Meng-12)


[J28] Wang, M., Zheng, Y., Huang, C., Meng, R., Pang, Y., Wen, J., Zhou, J., Huang, Z., Fang, L., & Zhao, F. *, Assessing Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 spectral-temporal features for mapping tree species of northern plantation forests in Heilongjiang Province, China, Forest Ecosystems, In Press. (中科院一区TOP, IF = 3.645)

[J27] Zhou L, Meng R, Tan   Y, Lv Z, Zhao Y, Xu B, Zhao F. Comparison of UAV-based LiDAR and digital   aerial photogrammetry for measuring crown-level canopy height in the urban   environment. Urban Forestry Urban Greening, 69: 127489(2022). (中科院一区TOP,   IF = 4.537)

[J26] Xu, L., Zhou, L.F.,   Meng, R. *, Zhao, F., Lv, Z., Xu, B., Zeng, L., Yu, X., & Peng, S. An   Improved Approach to Estimate Ratoon Rice Aboveground Biomass by Integrating   UAV-based Spectral, Textural and Structural Features. Precision   Agriculture, (2022). (中科院一区TOP, IF = 5.385)

[J25] Zhao, F., Sun, R.,   Zhong, L., Meng, R. *, Huang, C., Zeng, X., Wang,   M., Li, Y., & Wang, Z. Monthly Mapping of Forest Harvesting using Dense   Time Series Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery and Deep Learning. Remote Sensing of   Environment, 269, 112822(2022). (中科院一区TOP,   IF = 10.164)

[J24] Meng, R. *, Gao,   R., Zhao, F., Huang, C., Sun, R., Lv, Z., & Huang, Z. Landsat-based   Monitoring of Southern Pine Beetle Infestation Severity and Severity Change   in a Temperate Mixed Forest. Remote Sensing of Environment, 269,   112847(2022). (中科院一区TOP,   IF = 10.164)

[J23]. Zeng,   L.L., Peng, G.Z., Meng, R. *, Man, J.G., Li, W.B., Xu,   B.Y., Lv, Z.G., & Sun, R. Wheat Yield Prediction Based on Unmanned Aerial   Vehicles-Collected Red-Green-Blue Imagery. Remote Sensing, 13,   2937(2021). (中科院二区TOP, IF = 4.848)

[J22]. Lv,   Z., Meng, R. *, Man, J. *, Zeng, L., Wang, M.,   Xu, B., Gao, R., Sun, R., & Zhao, F. Modeling of winter wheat fAPAR by   integrating Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle-based optical, structural and thermal   measurement. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and   Geoinformation, 102, 102407(2021). (中科院一区,   IF = 5.933)

[J21]. Zeng,   L.L., Wardlow, B.D., Hu, S., Zhang, X., Zhou, G.Q., Peng, G.Z., Xiang, D.X.,   Wang, R., Meng, R., & Wu, W.X. A Novel Strategy to Reconstruct   NDVI Time-Series with High Temporal Resolution from MODIS Multi-Temporal   Composite Products. Remote Sensing, 13, 1397(2021). (中科院二区TOP,   IF = 4.848)

[J20]. Zeng,   L.L., Hu, Y.C., Wang, R., Zhang, X., Peng, G.Z., Huang, Z.Y., Zhou, G.Q.,   Xiang, D.X., Meng, R., Wu, W.X., & Hu, S. 8-Day and Daily Maximum   and Minimum Air Temperature Estimation via Machine Learning Method on a   Climate Zone to Global Scale. Remote Sensing, 13, 2355(2021). (中科院二区TOP,   IF = 4.848)

[J19].Xu, Y., Yu, L. *,   Peng, D., Zhao, J., Cheng, Y., Liu, X., Li, W., Meng, R., Xu, X. and   Gong, P., Annual 30-m land use/land cover maps of China for 1980–2015 from   the integration of AVHRR, MODIS and Landsat data using the BFAST algorithm. Science   China Earth Sciences, 63, pp.1390-1407 (2020)

[J18]. Meng, R. *, Lv,   Z. $,   Yan, J., Chen, G., Zhao, F., Zeng, L., & Xu, B. Development of Spectral   Disease Indices for Southern Corn Rust Detection and Severity Classification.   Remote Sensing, 12, 3233(2020). (中科院二区TOP,   IF = 4.848)

[J17]. Yang, D. *,   Meng, R. ,   Morrison, B. D., McMahon, A., Hantson, W., Hayes, D. J., ... & Serbin, S.   P. A Multi-Sensor Unoccupied Aerial System Improves Characterization of   Vegetation Composition and Canopy Properties in the Arctic Tundra. Remote   Sensing, 12(16), 2638(2020). (中科院二区TOP,   IF = 4.848)

[J16]. Guo, L. *,   Fu, P., Shi, T., Chen, Y., Zhang, H., Meng, R. and Wang, S., Mapping   field-scale soil organic carbon with unmanned aircraft system-acquired time   series multispectral images. Soil and Tillage Research, 196, p.104477   (2020). (中科院一区TOP, IF = 5.374)

[J15]. Serbin, S. *,   Wu, J., Ely, K., Kruger, E., Meng, R. et al., From the Arctic   to the tropics: multi‐biome prediction of leaf mass per area using leaf   reflectance, New Phytologist, DOI:10.1111/nph.16123(2019). (中科院一区TOP,   IF = 10.151)


[J14]. Veraverbeke, S. *, Dennison, P., Gitas, L., Hulley, G., Kalashnikova, O., Katagis, T.,   Kuai, L., Meng, R., Roberts, D., and Stavros, N., Hyperspectral remote sensing of fire: state-of-the-art and   future perspectives, Remote Sensing of Environment, 216, 105-121 (2018). (中科院一区TOP, IF = 10.164)

[J13]. Meng, R. *, Dennison, P., Zhao, F.,   Shendryk, L., Cook, B., Havanan, R., and Serbin, S.P., Mapping canopy defoliation by insect herbivory at the individual   tree level using bi-temporal airborne imaging spectroscopy and LiDAR   measurements, Remote Sensing of   Environment, 215,170-183(2018).   (中科院一区TOP, IF = 10.164)

[J12]. Meng, R. *, Wu, J., Zhao, F., Cook, B.,   Havanan, R., and Serbin, S.P., Measuring   post-fire forest recovery across a burn severity gradient in a mixed pine-oak   forest using airborne imaging spectroscopy and LiDAR, Remote Sensing of Environment, 210,282-296(2018). (中科院一区TOP, IF = 10.164)

[J11]. Wu, J. *, Kobayashi, H., Starks, S.C., Meng, R., Guan, K., et al.,   Biological processes dominate seasonality of remotely sensed canopy greenness   in an Amazon evergreen forest. New Phytologist, 217,1507-1520 (2018).   (中科院一区TOP, IF = 10.151)

[J10]. Meng, R. *, Wu, J., Schwager, K., Zhao,   F., Dennison, P.E., Cook, B., Brewer, K., Green, T.M., and Serbin, S.P.,   Using high spatial resolution satellite imagery to map forest burn severity   across spatial scales in a Pine Barrens ecosystem. Remote Sensing of Environment, 191, 95-109 (2017). (中科院一区TOP, IF =   10.164)

[J9]. Ning, J. *, Gao,   Z., Meng, R., Xu, F., and Gao, M.,   Analysis of relationships between land surface temperature and land use   changes in the Yellow River Delta. Frontiers   of Earth Science, 2, 444-456, (2018).

[J8]. Wu, J. *, Serbin, S.P., Xu, X., Chen, M., Meng, R., Saleska, S.R., and   Rogers, A., The phenology of leaf quality and its within-canopy variation is   essential for accurate modeling of photosynthesis in tropical evergreen   forests. Global Change Biology, 23:4814-4827 (2017). (中科院一区TOP, IF = 10.863)

[J7]. Zhang, L*., Wei, Y. D., and Meng,  R., Spatiotemporal dynamics   and spatial determinants of urban growth in Suzhou, China, Sustainability, 9, 193 (2017).

[J6]. Zhao, R. F. *, Meng, R., Huang,   C., Zhao, A. F., Gong, P., Yu, L., Zhu, Z., Long-term post-disturbance forest recovery in the Greater Yellowstone   Ecosystem analyzed using Landsat time series stack, Remote Sensing, 8(11), 898 (2016). (中科院二区TOP,IF = 4.848)

[J5]. Meng, R. *, Dennison, P.,   Huang, C., Moritz, M., D’ Antonio, C.,   Effects of fire severity and post-fire climate on short-term vegetation   recovery of mixed-conifer and red fir forests in the Sierra Nevada Mountains   of California, Remote Sensing of   Environment, 171, 311-325 (2015). (中科院一区TOP,   IF = 10.164)

[J4]. Meng, R. , Zhao, F., Sun,   K., Zhang, R., Huang, C., Yang, J.*, Analysis of the 2014 “APEC Blue” in   Beijing using more than one decade of satellite observations: lessons learned   from radical emission control measures, Remote   Sensing, 7, 15224-15243 (2015). (中科院二区TOP,IF = 4.848)

[J3]. Meng, R. *, Dennison, P., Spectroscopic   analysis of green, desiccated and dead tamarisk canopies, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 81(3), 199-207   (2015).

[J2]. Meng, R. *, Dennison, P., D’ Antonio, C.,   Moritz, M., Remote sensing analysis of vegetation recovery following   short-interval fires in southern California shrublands, PLoS ONE, 9(10): e110637 (2014).

[J1]. Meng, R. *, Dennison, P., Jamison., L,   van Riper, C., Nager, P., Hultine, K., Bean, D., Dudley, T., Detection   of tamarisk defoliation by the northern tamarisk beetle based on   multi-temporal Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper imagery, GIScience   & Remote Sensing, 49, 510-37 (2012). (中科院一区, IF = 6.238)  







